Northern prawns

Northern prawns

The Northern prawn is a hermaphrodite and starts its life as a male; after 4-5 years it turns female. The species is found mostly in areas with soft, muddy sediment where temperatures range from 1-6°C at a depth between 150 and 600 metres. The prawns spawn in the autumn and the females carry the eggs until April/May when they hatch.

Species information

Commercial name Northern prawn
Scientific name Pandalus borealis* and Pandalus jordani**
Famliy Pandalidae
Catch area *North West Atlantic / **North east Pacific
Catch method Otter trawl
Catch season April-October
Estimated volume/year 68,000 T (Canada, 2008)
Available as Mostly available cooked and peeled, or as cooked whole prawns, frozen and chilled
Available sizes Peeled: 150-250, 250-350, 300-500, 400-600 pcs/lb - Whole: 90-120 pcs/kg
Sustainability details There are MSC certified Pandalus borealis and Pandalus jordani fisheries.
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